Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trick 16. A Working Hypothesis

     Not really sure if we were to write an actual paper using a working hypothesis and the steps in the book, or just talk about what we plan on doing using the steps.  I will attempt to do both.

I chose to cover the letter  Which the author argues he believes the universe will end in ice.   I agree and disagree and will attempt to provide evidence for both scenarios.

 -  Background:   I have extensive knowledge about Astronomy, cosmology and the theories discussed in the paper.  I know the main points of both parts of the topic, however as for the actual scientific reasons, I'll have to research more.

 -  Method:  I have a few college level books already in my possession, as well as video documentaries.  I will also be using the OUC library and the writing assistants provided inside.

 -  Sources:  Same as above.

 -  Timeline:  As long as I feel comfortable with my progress, I can take as much time as needed.  I want to make sure my sources and information are correct and up to date.

 -  Significance:  To educate anyone that might not already know the destiny of our universe and its hundreds of billions of galaxies that inhabit it.

Fire or Ice?  A Discussion about the End of the Universe.
    Everyone knows that the universe will end some day.  Not everyone contemplates how it will happen.  Current cosmology believes that it will be by either fire or ice.  On one hand, the evidence shows that it could expand and then start to collapse in on itself.  Over time all the matter in the universe will slowly be drawn back together and crash back into a reverse Big Bang.   The other hand shows that the universe will continue to expand until we are alone in our own little Milky Way galaxy.  The light from other galaxies will be so far distant that we will never be able to tell that we were never alone.
     I will be discussing the letter that Mathew Santhosh wrote.  In this paper I will discuss both sides of the debate.  Ultimately I believe both sides to be correct, but through research, I will hopefully convince the reader to choose one or the other.

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