Thursday, September 29, 2011

Trick # 9

     Creative practice.  In this trick, I was asked to look at two advertisements and define what I thought about and saw in both.  The first advertisement was for a Saab car which was given the likeliness of an aircraft going down the highway.  To resemble a plane, the cars doors are open to give the idea of wings as well as the car moving quite fast.  The car itself will appeal to readers who, like me, love speed shown by the car moving down the runway extremely fast giving the appearance that it was about to take off.   The title of the advertisement was below and read "Air-crafted" as if the car was made tougher than a normal vehicle.  The phrase also represents that the car was designed to be faster and more aero-dynamic because it was invented by aeronautical engineers.  Overall it definitely comes across as a sports car.

     The second advertisement shows the highly recognized face of Kermit the frog in the foreground while the vehicle, a Ford Escape Hybrid is sitting in the background on top of a mountain.  This could possibly give the appeal to children as well as the adults who remember watching Muppets while growing up.  It does seem funny though that while trying to sell the SUV, the advertisement doesn't really give much info about it.  Almost as if it was secondary in nature (no pun intended).  Kermit is given a phrase, "I guess it is easy being green", which to most people would be kinda funny to attract the attention of the passerby.  So here we have an SUV sitting in a natural setting, overlooking a mountain pass, while dirt and bushes abound in the picture and Kermit is advertising the eco-friendly side of the vehicle.

     Interesting that both cars are played off of what makes them unique, because it wouldn't work the other-way around.  You wouldn't get the same message if you had a Muppet talking about the Saab on a mountain, nor would you get any message of seeing an eco-friendly SUV on a runway.  All in all though, both advertisements priority is to play to your appeal and get your attention fast so that you read each one carefully.  The Saab, while fast, powerful, and sleek, has a black overtone to play on the fact that people relate dark with power, rebellion, temptation and mystery.  The Ford on the other hand, has a colorful outlook, with nature, frogs, mountains and a very blue sky.  The over all tone ends in a bright outlook that grabs peoples attention with its cartoon like behavior.  Both, mystery and humor grab peoples attentions.  They obviously know what they are doing.

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